PSNA Emphatic fine arts


Our Courses

  • Vocal
  • Keyboard
  • Piano
  • Guitar
  • Mirudhangam
  • Drawing
  • Yoga

Criteria for Pass and Classification

A candidate for the certification Grade Certificate Programme will be declared as passed if he / she secure a minimum of 35% in practical examinations.

The successful candidates who pass by fulfilling the above stipulations will be arranged in the following classes;

  1. A candidate securing 60 % or above will be declared as passed in First Class
  2. A candidate securing 80 % or above will be declared as passed with Distinction.

A special recognition award for Distinction candidates.

Scheme of Examinations

For Initial Grade, I to VI Practical Examinations only will be conducted and for Grade VII and VIII Practical and Theory Examinations will be conducted.

The examination fees should be paid before the examinations.

Exam Regulations : For All Music (Vocal) and Instruments Programmes

1) Students only will be allowed in the examination hall.

2) Students should bring their identity card and Hall ticket to the examination.

3) Students should bring their own instruments for practical examinations.